Prioritize Downside Risk Before Focusing on Upside Potential #1
Astute traders ascertain their acceptable loss threshold prior to contemplating prospective gains from a trade.
Establish your exit strategy before initiating a trade. Recall that personal opinions are inconsequential; only market movements hold significance! Allow market dynamics to dictate its trajectory rather than your emotions! Disciplined traders react sagaciously and prudently to price fluctuations.
Trade in alignment with your individual temperament, account magnitude, and trading methodology! Identify your optimal timeframe, trade size, and financial objectives.
Resist being influenced by the profits reported by other traders. Trading is a solitary performance endeavor, and successful traders manage their portfolios without succumbing to the fear of missing out (FOMO).
Let the market determine what direction its going to move in and not your feeling! Discipled traders respond intelligently and wisely to price action.
To partner with clients in long-term, trusted relationships, always putting their best interests above my own.
Part of the investment planning process is selecting investments that fit within your asset allocation strategy and working together to help you accomplish your investment goals.
I understand that each investor has unique goals, preferences, and risk tolerances. That’s why we believe in customized investment portfolios tailored to your specific needs.
All great traders determine what they are willing to lose before they think about what they will earn on a trade. Decide before you enter a trade where you will exit.